JES Holdings October Philanthropy Events

This October, all of the JES Holdings offices participated in a month-long United Way philanthropy fundraising extravaganza! This month of fundraising has become an annual tradition for JES Holdings employees. One aspect of the fundraising month involved each office creating different type of treat bags for local philanthropies in their communities.
The Columbia office paired with The Village of Bedford Walk to make 300 goodie bags for the Boys and Girls Clubs of Columbia’s annual Lights on After School event! Each of the clubs’ kids received a goodie bag at the event full of Halloween candy.
The St. Louis office worked with the Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater St. Louis. Employees packed Halloween-themed goodie bags filled with candy and toys for the local children at the club.
The Atlanta office employees spent an afternoon making snack packs for a local elementary school. Ally Newcomer, JES Holdings administrative and event assistant in the Atlanta office, explains the signifance of these snacks packs: “When a student has to worry about where their next meal is going to come from or if they will have a roof over their head that night, it can be difficult to focus on the valuable education that we lead them to future success.”
We are so proud of all of our employees for continually coming together to impact their community and staying true to JES Holdings mission to improve every community we touch!