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Ironton Estates March Potluck

Fairway Management's Ironton Estates gave out resident prizes at their March Potluck.
Marla Walls and Carrie Declue were the winners of Ironton Estate’s monthly contests.
Fairway Management's Ironton Estates gave out resident prizes at their March Potluck.
Marla Walls and Carrie Declue were the winners of Ironton Estate’s monthly contests.

Ironton Estates, a Fairway Management senior community located in Ironton, Missouri, brings residents together each month for a potluck.

Tina Zangara, Ironton Estates Property Manager, incorporated a hot dog roast and prizes into March’s potluck. All residents who have a perfect housekeeping report were entered into a drawing for one prize, and the other prize was a random drawing for a spring basket.

The two lucky prize winners ended up being a mother and daughter duo! Marla Walls won the perfect housekeeping drawing prize, which included cleaning and laundry products, a small garden flag and some delicious treats. Marla’s daughter Carrie Declue won the spring basket, which included a basket with a garden flag, wind chimes, garden stake, stuffed bunny, Easter candy and other treats.

Congratulations, Marla and Carrie!

Fairway Management's Ironton Estates gave out resident prizes at their March Potluck.
Fairway Management's Ironton Estates gave out resident prizes at their March Potluck.
Fairway Management's Ironton Estates gave out resident prizes at their March Potluck.
Fairway Management's Ironton Estates gave out resident prizes at their March Potluck.Fairway Management's Ironton Estates gave out resident prizes at their March Potluck.
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